Analog and Digital Electronics
For this lab, a oscilloscope is hooked up to a audio input wire connected to a phone and a speaker. We download a sound generator app, and it generates various frequencies.We observe the wave on a oscilloscope.
The set up of our experiment.
The wave the phone generates.
The wave the phone generates.
The max voltage that the phone will put out through the audio jack is found to be 0.04V.
Wave when we play music.
For the low pass filter lab, a circuit was set up using a 0.1 uF capacitor and a 22K resistor. The circuit is connected to the oscilloscope and the phone with a tone generator app. It can be seen that resistors are not frequency dependent and capacitors are.
Graph of Voltage vs. Frequency
LED Circuit
We build a circuit on the board in order to light a LED. We first connect a resistor and LED to the circuit board and then connect to a power supply. When the power is on, the bulb lights. When we increase the voltage from 3V to 4.5V, we can see that the bulb gets brighter since it has higher current.
The set up of this experiment.
From this, we can see that a LED is a diode. When the power reverse the power supply, the bulb does not light because the depletion region is getting larder.
We then add a switch to it. When we do not push on the switch, it is not on.
When we push the switch, it lights up.
Low Pass Filter
Graph of Voltage vs. Frequency
Amplifier to Boost Current from an Audio Player
The set up of building an amplifier
We are asked to build an amplifier on the circuit board in order to take the lower power signal from the phone and produce a wave with greater power.
We use two 0.1 uF capacitors, one 3K resistor, one 2.2 Meg resistor, 500 pF capacitor and a 0.22 uF transistor on a circuit board. When we connect to the speaker,we do not hear the sound . We use an oscilloscope in order to find the error in the circuit. It can be the quality of the speaker is not good.
We use two 0.1 uF capacitors, one 3K resistor, one 2.2 Meg resistor, 500 pF capacitor and a 0.22 uF transistor on a circuit board. When we connect to the speaker,we do not hear the sound . We use an oscilloscope in order to find the error in the circuit. It can be the quality of the speaker is not good.
In today's class, we learn more about the oscilloscope. We know how to build a circuit on a circuit board. We know how a low pass filter works, and we learn how to build an amplifier.
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